I'm Micaiah Buttars,

a Web Developer and UX Designer from Salt Lake City, Utah.

My long-standing appreciation of design and interest in human psychology is what initially led me to pursue UX Design, which then sparked a desire to know how to build out and code the designs I made.

As a culmination of my interests in art, music, video games, and my knack for trying to make
creative endeavours into realities; Iā€™m currently in the process of teaching myself C++ to make a video game from scratch.

Recent Projects

Airbnb Clone

May 2019 |Web Development |

Hosted project can be found here.Github repo can be found here.
Alongside Lauren Irish and Spencer Vorhees, my classmates at DevMountain,
we faithfully recreated Airbnb's desktop website to demonstrate our abilities as full stack developers by using a blend of outside technologies ā€” such as react-image-lightbox, and Airbnb's own react-dates ā€” as well as our own homebrewed functionalities, such as the on-hover effects of the listing view images.


April 2019 ā€” Present |Web Development |

Hosted project can be found here.Github repo can be found here.
OnTarget began as a personal project at DevMountain intended to assess my skills with the basics of HTML, JavaScript, and React. It has moved beyond that assessment into a mobile responsive web app that I am fully developing.

As the child of an educator who had a specific need, this project was designed to meet the needs of teachers that work with students with behavioral concerns. OnTarget seeks to streamline the paper/pencil data keeping process for teachers and paraprofessionals. By digitizing this process, valuable time is saved, and student behavioral data is immediately available at a teacher's fingertips. This allows educators to better assess the effectiveness of a student's behavior plan, and easily spot behavioral patterns in a given interval.

OnTarget will be in beta testing at South Cache Middle School, Hyrum, UT during the 2019-20 school year.

Get In Touch

Please feel free to reach out. I am more than happy to answer any project related questions or inquiries.